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Built, Not Born

Built, Not Born

by Tom Golisano
224 Pages · 2020 · 1 MB · 21 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Mastering HR Management with SAP
by Christian Krämer
630 Pages · 2005 · 31.49 MB · 1,852 Downloads · New!
Get a step-by-step guide to the entire personnel management process, from recruiting, to personnel controlling, and beyond.
Instant Flask Web Development
by Ron DuPlain
78 Pages · 2013 · 0.83 MB · 1,216 Downloads · New!
Flask is a web framework for Python, which lets you start simply and grow carefully without facing any issues with the framework as your project gets large. Flask integrates Werkzeug (a web programming toolkit) and Jinja (a templating engine) and adds a layer that lets you build web applications and services in a compact way, while letting you choose your own tools.
The Barefoot Executive
by Carrie Wilkerson
256 Pages · 2011 · 1 MB · 35 Downloads · New!
The Barefoot Executive is the business, finance management and self-help guide which shares the various strategies to become your own boss and have the freedom to enjoy life. Carrie Wilkerson is the author of this outstanding book. This guide offers the ultimate opportunity to the people to live their life on their own terms. It totally depends on you either you want to start your day by emailing boss or having coffee with family. Would you really want to enjoy those trips which you planned for years but still don’t go there because of a busy schedule. First of all, you have to ask the question from yourself what you really wanted. Find the right kind of business for yourself which suits your talent and experiences. Choosing the best profession in life is also the key to success. No matter how talented you are if you lack focus while achieving a goal then you will achieve nothing. Learn how to avoid distraction by following a profession. You will learn how to focus on your goal to achieve it on the time. Find those people who are linked with your business and they will help you to promote your business. Learn to identify the perfect market for your business and how it is going to work for you.
Obviously Awesome
by April Dunford
202 Pages · 2019 · 2  MB · 48 Downloads · New!
Obviously Awesome is the marketing, advertisement and business guide which shares the different strategies to promote your business. April Dunford is the author of this magnificent book. She is a famous speaker, author, and executive consultant. April helps thousands of companies and individuals by solving the complexities of their products for the customers. She is an award-winning expert in market strategy and positioning of the product. This is a must-have book to read for entrepreneurs, salesperson, and marketers. There are millions of world who daily sales in the world but they are only a few products who are prominent. The one thing common in all these products that you know all the information about these products. If you have a product and you think its best but does anybody else know about your product. You already have a product the only thing you need is position. This book demands you to forget everything that you know about positioning and marketing. Learn the five essential components of effective positioning. How to choose the related market for your products. What are the different techniques that help the owners to increase product sales? How to understand the market trends and get the benefits from it. Last but not least, how to leverage market trends and why it is important.
The Halo Effect
by Phil Rosenzweig
256 Pages · 2014 · · 31 Downloads · New!
The Halo Effect is the business skills, self-management, business management and leadership book which discusses the enormous ways of doing business. Phil Rosenzweig is the author of this superb book. This guide states that companies can’t achieve their bigger goals just by following a particular trend. The high-level goals demand a better performance by the team. Leadership is very difficult in today’s competitive world and staying on the top with the changing of technology is impossible. The executives are under immense pressure to perform by their CEOs and the shareholders. They are constantly searching for the success but they did not attain the desired results.The importance of data is very crucial to analyze the business and make good decisions quickly. There are thousands of books available in the market, managers read them and apply the strategies in their business but they got no chill.
Profit First
by Mike Michalowicz
224 Pages · 2017 · 1 MB · 25 Downloads · New!
Profit First is the motivational, business and self-help book that shares the incredible techniques and methods to do a business in style. Mike Michalowicz is the author of this fantastic book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times. This is an ultimate guide that takes readers step by step and easy to follow instructions to become a successful businessman. Now, there is no need to invest thousands of dollars everything just to support your business in several years. After following these techniques you will able to generate thousands of dollars just after a few months. You just need the right direction and planning to start a mind-blowing business. Humans make mistakes no matter how experienced you become in your profession. The author shares a formula that helps you to calculate risks and helps you in critical decision making. It contains the simple four principles that make it easier for entrepreneurs to make their business plan. Making a business plan is not a big deal but this book will surely help to create an effective business plan which generates sales. A small business is worth than large business if you implement an effective business plan. Further, it contains step by step advice and case studies to understand the method of doing business.


