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Civilized to Death

Civilized to Death

by Christopher Ryan
304 Pages · 2019 · 3  MB · 52 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
The World in a Grain
by Vince Beiser
304 Pages · 2018 · 1 MB · 54 Downloads · New!
The World in a Grain is the energy, mining, rocks and natural resources guide which shares the benefits of sand in the development. Vince Beiser is the author of this remarkable book. Sand is one of those natural resources which we consume most in our life. It is as important as air and water, according to fact and figures we use sand more as compared to oil. Sand helps in making buildings and roads on earth. Every silicon chip and PC screen are made of sand. The people will see the involvement of sand in the world tallest skyscraper to the giant pyramids of Egypt. A modern phone like iPhone and all other brands uses sand to make technology working for them. It’s the blessing of Allah which empowers us, shelter us and encourage us for more development. Millions of people take daily advantage by mining and selling sand to others. It’s the most decorative material in the earth which is used to build high-quality glasses, metal castings, and other moulding materials. There are different kinds of sands, some of them available easily and some of them are very rare as well as expensive. Vince Beiser describes the usage of sand among different countries like Dubai, China, India, and the United States. This is an outstanding book which is ever written so amazingly on the sand.
The Fourth Phase of Water
by Gerald H Pollack, Ethan Pollack
357 Pages · 2013 · 13 MB · 54 Downloads · New!
“The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor” is a scientific and research-oriented book which tells us that our motion on earth is the result of many different processes taking place under the earth that are the result of the occurrence of water in four different states of matter. The fantastic book is written by Gerald H Pollack and Ethan Pollack. He is researcher and keen observer of the processes occurring around us. The book highlights that the concept of three states of matter is now not applicable and now a fourth ionic state of matter exists and that is causing many unusual processes around us. The book also tells us that the fourth state exists from the very first day and the sun is the mixture of that fourth state and other gases. Concluding, the book is full of knowledge, information, and research filled for the readers.
The Theory of Environmental Policy
by William Baumol
312 Pages · 1988 · 21 MB · 45 Downloads · New!
The Theory of Environmental Policy is the environmental studies, environmental economics and environmental studies guide which shares the latest policies that the government should make on the environment. William Baumol is the author of this remarkable book. He completed his college education from New York City and Ph.D. at the University of London. William becomes a professor at New York University where he teaches economics. Economics is one of the favorite subjects of William that he likes to teach. He assists different universities as a researcher and helps them to finish their tasks. William also hired by different firms to support them with his ideas. He wrote more than thirty-five books and all of them are popular among the readers. Further, the reader will find thousands of newspaper articles. This book is all about the economic theory of environmental policies. How the government can deal with the environmental issues which are getting worse with every coming day. What is the role of the environment in the development of the country? Why cutting trees has short term benefits and if we don’t grow more trees then we will face different issues. This is the updated second edition of the book which comes up with the latest research in environmental economics.
Doughnut Economics
by Kate Raworth
320 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 48 Downloads · New!
The “Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist” is a good book that offers game-changing analysis and inspiration for a new generation of economics thinkers. Doughnut Economics is written by the author Kate Raworth. Raworth is a renegade economist focused on exploring the economic mindset needed to address the 21st century’s social and ecological challenges. She is a senior associate of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and a member of the Club of Rome. Doughnut Economics is a very readable book on how to rethink economic systems to make the economics work for everyone, rather than the system we have today. She looks at a number of features of our economic system, puts them in historical context, and offers some great ideas for change. Raworth brings economics as a subject to life as different ideas are discussed and the different purposes of economics as understood by early economists. This book introduces a strong, legitimate role for public policy and activist government rather than some assumption that the market will achieve fairness. Each topic is covered clearly and concisely and packed with the details that you learn to be truly effective. All in all, Doughnut Economics is an informative book for the readers.
Climate–A New Story
by Charles Eisenstein
320 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
The “Climate–A New Story” is a fascinating read for anyone who is interested in better ways to engage climate deniers. Charles Eisenstein is the author of this environmental science book. Charles is a teacher, speaker, and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. He speaks frequently at conferences and other events and spent the next ten years as a Chinese-English translator. In this research book, Charles Eisenstein describes how the quantification of the natural world leads to a lack of integration and our fight mentality. He offers a perception that transcends arguments about climate science, and even the focus on warming and greenhouse gas emissions as the primary issue to be handled. He struggles that our love for Life in all its forms is the only power that can carry us towards a future worth living into. His writing offers us a confidence and values system that can hold the breadth of the earth. Eisenstein requests us to listen, to turn off the noise, to look at the beauty, and to listen because the earth is trying to tell us something. To sum it up, Climate–A New Story is an informative book to know about environmental economics.
Open Veins of Latin America
by Eduardo Galeano
317 Pages · 1997 · 1 MB · 56 Downloads · New!
Open Veins of Latin America is the environmental economics, history of America and growth economic book which discusses the history of America. Eduardo Galeano is the author of this magnificent book. It is a comprehensive book that offers a classical survey of the cultural and social history of America. The development in America is not a one day game as it takes centuries to become the superpower of the world. There are many reasons that make this country to rule the entire world. Democracy is one of the major reasons that organizes the whole country towards success. Eduardo discusses the major terminologies that are concerned with cacao and cotton, gold and silver, hides and wool. Further, share details on the rubber and coffee, copper, nitrates, aluminum ore, manganese, iron, nickel, fruit, and tin. These are the veins that take the country slowly-slowly towards success. He also did the scientific analysis of the things that don’t matter. Eduardo discussed in details about the economics of the country. Today, America has thousands of multinational companies in the world and all of them are bringing millions in the government’s accounts. A must-have book to read for everyone.


