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Deep Learning with R

Deep Learning with R

by Francois Chollet
360 Pages · 2018 · 19.6 MB · 2,540 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
by Nick Bostrom
352 Pages · 2014 · 4 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
Superintelligence is the technology, artificial intelligence, science, and general technology book that shares the benefits of superintelligence in detail. Nick Bostrom is the author of this impressive book. We are living in the most updated era of humans where anything is possible that comes in your dreams. People from different races are united to take over the world and artificial intelligence is one of them. There are many things that people wanted to conquer and AI is one of them. This book asks various questions at the beginning that will help you to explore the latest development in AI technology. What will happen if machines able to surpass human intelligence. Why humans needed machine intelligence and will able to ease our lives and save us from other threats. The human brain has abilities that the animal brain doesn’t have. They have the ability to do things that are impossible for the rest of the creator. Superintelligence is beyond imagination and the human mind did not know where it going to end. What will happen when it becomes hard to control and machines begin to rule humans? This is an impressive book that will help you to broader your perspective about machine intelligence.
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity
by Alessandro Parisi
342 Pages · 2019 · 10 MB · 35 Downloads · New!
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity is the security, python programming, and computer programming book that contains tips and techniques to master cybersecurity. Alessandro Parisi is the author of this fascinated book. He has two decades of experience as a security data scientist who has vast experience in blockchain. This device will teach you to build smart cybersecurity systems. It follows the procedures of deep learning and the power of machine learning. Learn to test the efficiency of your code by following cybersecurity algorithms. Today companies are spending billions of dollars just to make sure that their data is safe. AI offers the best solution and it is the most emerging technology when it comes to cybersecurity. It is a smart computer technology that is capable of detecting and predicting suspicious network activity. This book brings an opportunity to detect email threats like phishing and spamming using artificial intelligence. It covers the main topics like polymorphic malware, zero-days, and categorizes APT. Alessandro also explores ethical hacking and evaluate different strategies. Learn how to become an expert in your field and never take risks whenever it comes to security.
Artificial Unintelligence
by Meredith Broussard
248 Pages · 2018 · 2 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
Artificial Unintelligence is the social aspects of technology, semantics, and artificial intelligence book that tells the future of technology. Meredith Broussard is the author of this critical book. This is a guide that motivates people to understand the inner and outer boundaries of technology. Meredith believes that not every problem has a solution in technology. If you use technology to solve all of our problems then we are heading on the wrong side. We should think steady while blaming humans for making problems. Today, AI is being used in the majority of the projects including cars and weapons. Driverless cars are introduced to make sure the safety of humans but in reality, they are not safe. How can we handle the worse situation, when thousands of cars on the road and something went wrong in the AI algorithm? Nobody thinks about it and we keep investing money on AI. Robots are built for different purposes. Some countries are developing super soldiers through AI that are capable of eliminating every threat. What if these soldiers got a bug in their hardware and they start killing innocent humans. Artificial Intelligence is not a solution for every problem and we have to set boundaries before it’s too late.
Deep Medicine
by Eric Topol
400 Pages · 2015 · 14 MB · 23 Downloads · New!
The “Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again” is a must-read for those of us working to make health care better for patients, providers, and payers. Eric Topol is the author of this book. In a very insightful book, Topol, builds on the key themes from his previous works “In Creative Destruction”, he had highlighted the digitizing of all information pertaining to our health and in “Patient Will See”, he had provided a road-map for new service models that are truly patient-centric. He extends those themes even further and posits that AI, correctly applied, will be trans-formative to healthcare delivery. Topol acknowledges all that enthusiasm and using a short set of examples highlight the value of AI in the first chapter itself. The rest of the book is a systematic expansion of where Topol sees the biggest opportunities in AI are to the extent he calls it the next industrial revolution. Topol does an excellent job in differentiating clinicians as those that work with and without patterns these two chapters highlighting the complexities and skill set required to master a cognitive, integrative process is perhaps the most interesting part of the book. These highlights the key assumptions AI developers should make while designing their systems. The discussions on how health systems are approaching AI and ML is interesting, but a reader familiar with the academic literature may brush it off as old news. However, Topol manages to convey the key insights and implications that can be extrapolated to other applications. He also provides an interesting take on the role of AI in nutrition and mental health and then becomes very generous with imagination in his discussion on a virtual medical assistant. Overall, an excellent read for anyone interested in healthcare AI.
Machine Learning with TensorFlow
by Nishant Shukla
272 Pages · 2018 · 5.2 MB · 4,684 Downloads · New!
Machine Learning with TensorFlow gives readers a solid foundation in machine-learning concepts plus hands-on experience coding TensorFlow with Python.
Assessing and Improving Prediction and Classification
by Timothy Masters
517 Pages · 2017 · 5.3 MB · 1,378 Downloads · New!


