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Digital Painting Techniques

Digital Painting Techniques

by Wallace Jackson
215 Pages · 2016 · 14.78 MB · 1,182 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
CentOS System Administration Essentials
by Andrew Mallett
174 Pages · 2014 · 4.67 MB · 4,095 Downloads · New!
CentOS is widely respected as a very powerful and flexible Linux distribution, and it can be used as a web server, file server, FTP server, domain server, or a multirole solution. It is designed to handle the more demanding needs of business applications such as network and system administration, database management, and web services. CentOS is self-sufficient and fast while working, with the added benefit of global acceptance as a large number of the world’s web servers run on it.
Express.js Guide
by Azat Mardanov
315 Pages · 2014 · 7.5 MB · 3,449 Downloads · New!
The in-depth, detailed, hands-on manual on Express.js, the most popular Node.js framework. Will get you up and running fast and save you time. Understand the concepts, learn the best practices. Become an Express.js expert today!
Programming Google Glass, Second Edition
by Eric Redmond
250 Pages · 2015 · 9.81 MB · 4,836 Downloads · New!
Google Glass is the wearable computer that everyone’s talking about–a head-mounted optical display with a camera that responds to voice and gesture controls. You can use the Mirror API and Glass Development Kit (GDK) to build custom Glassware for yourself and others, from social networks and geolocated maps to immersive video games and more. This new edition, with an all-new part covering the GDK, kick-starts your Glassware development by showing you how to write real-world functional applications that you can deploy and run. It’s the book to read for a shortcut to this new world.
Machine Learning With R Cookbook
by Chiu (David Chiu) Yu-Wei
405 Pages · 2015 · 6.15 MB · 4,506 Downloads · New!
The R language is a powerful open source functional programming language. At its core, R is a statistical programming language that provides impressive tools to analyze data and create high-level graphics.
A Guide to Maple
by Ernic Kamerich
345 Pages · 2012 · 10.61 MB · 3,364 Downloads · New!
This “hands-on” book is for people who are interested in immediately putting Maple to work. The reader is provided with a compact, fast and surveyable guide that introduces them to the extensive capabilities of the software. The book is sufficient for standard use of Maple and will provide techniques for extending Maple for more specialized work. The author discusses the reliability of results systematically and presents ways of testing questionable results. The book allows a reader to become a user almost immediately and helps him/her to grow gradually to a broader and more proficient use. As a consequence, some subjects are dealt with in an introductory way early in the book, with references to a more detailed discussion later on.
Yii Application Development Cookbook, 2nd edition
by Alexander Makarov
408 Pages · 2013 · 3.01 MB · 3,410 Downloads · New!
The Yii framework is a rapidly growing PHP5 MVC framework often referred to as Rails for PHP. It has already become a solid base for many exciting web applications such as and can be a good base for your developments, too. This book will help you to learn Yii quickly and in more depth for use in for your developments.


