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Five Days at MemorialSheri Fink

Five Days at MemorialSheri Fink

by Sheri Fink
546 Pages · 2013 · 1 MB · 41 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Atomic Accidents
by James Mahaffey
464 Pages · 2015 · 13 MB · 22 Downloads · New!
Atomic Accidents is atomic physics, nuclear engineering, nuclear physics and atomic book that shares the history of nuclear disasters and meltdowns in detail. James Mahaffey is the author of this tremendous book. Weapon played an essential role during the battle and they decide the future of the nations. Nuclear bombs changed the stats dramatically and they first discovered in the late nineteenth century. Later on, these nuclear bombs lead towards atomic bombs and people are not safe anywhere. The addiction of power ends up in developing atomic bombs that kill millions of people in a few minutes and their radiation did not even die after decades. This guide shares the history of nuclear science and its evaluation from exploration to accidents, mistakes, and downright disasters. James Mahaffey lists the various incidents that only happen due to mistakes of the scientists and how it affects humanity overall. These bombs are made to protect themselves but at the same time these bombs were used to kill other humans. Humans did not need any other enemy and they don’t have any other enemy in the world except their-self. We need to understand the fact that humans can live peacefully without any issue, fear, and redemption.
Midnight in Cherno
by Adam Higginbotham
560 Pages · 2015 · 21 MB · 36 Downloads · New!
The “Midnight in Chernobyl: The Untold Story of the World’s Greatest Nuclear Disaster” is an informative book that tells the real story of the twentieth century greatest nuclear disaster. Adam Higginbotham is the author of this history book. Adam Higginbotham writes for The New York Times Magazine, GQ and Smithsonian. The author tells the history worst nuclear disaster of 26 April 1986. The country makes weapons for their safety because it provides security against enemies. But sometimes, they become dangerous for humanity. On 26 April 1986, reactor number four suffered a catastrophic power increase, leading to an explosion in its core. Adam Higginbotham has written a compelling narrative which brings a disaster in the life of the men and women life. After the nuclear disaster, dangerous technology slipping its leash for ecological fragility. Radio-Active waste can possess a threat to the environment and is dangerous for humans.


