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Frameworks, Methodologies, and Tools for Developing Rich Internet Applications

Frameworks, Methodologies, and Tools for Developing Rich Internet Applications

by Giner Alor-Hernández
368 Pages · 2014 · 36.6 MB · 3,859 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Build Your Own Ajax Web Applications
by Matthew Eernisse
297 Pages · 2006 · 3.1 MB · 4,992 Downloads · New!
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a new approach for developing web applications. It essentially permits users to interact with a Webpage without forcing a slow & tedious reload of the entire page after every action. This means web applications become more responsive, easier to use, and more intuitive. Build Your Own Ajax Web Applications uses a step-by-step tutorial format that’s so easy to follow, you’ll be able to build sophisticated and intuitive Ajax web interfaces in no time!
Foundations of Ajax
by Nathaniel T. Schutta
296 Pages · 2005 · 7.6 MB · 2,996 Downloads · New!
Much of the early hype surrounding Ajax centered on its use by Internet powerhouses such as Google and Amazon. However, just because the initial forays into Ajax were pioneered by leading software development firms doesn’t mean your application wouldn’t also benefit from these techniques. You already know how to develop Web applications, so this book uses specific, focused examples to teach the Ajax tools and techniques you’ll need to bring your applications to life. Armed with this book and your existing development expertise, you too will be able to apply Ajax techniques to your application to enrich the end users experience.
Web Application Architecture
by Leon Shklar
374 Pages · 2003 · 3.8 MB · 2,590 Downloads · New!
An in-depth examination of the core concepts and general principles of Web application development. This book uses examples from specific technologies (e.g., servlet API or XSL), without promoting or endorsing particular platforms or APIs. Such knowledge is critical when designing and debugging complex systems. This conceptual understanding makes it easier to learn new APIs that arise in the rapidly changing Internet environment.
Programming Google App Engine
by Dan Sanderson
400 Pages · 2009 · 3.8 MB · 3,637 Downloads · New!
As one of today’s cloud computing services, Google App Engine does more than provide access to a large system of servers. It also offers you a simple model for building applications that scale automatically to accommodate millions of users. With Programming Google App Engine, you’ll get expert practical guidance that will help you make the best use of this powerful platform. Google engineer Dan Sanderson shows you how to design your applications for scalability, including ways to perform common development tasks using App Engine’s APIs and scalable services.
Using Google App Engine
by Charles Severance
272 Pages · 2009 · 7.2 MB · 1,835 Downloads · New!
With this book, you can build exciting, scalable web applications quickly and confidently, using Google App Engine — even if you have little or no experience in programming or web development. Using Google App Engine provides an overview of the tools necessary to use Google App Engine, including Python, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and HTTP. You’ll also learn what’s required to deploy your applications to Google servers.
Ajax: The Definitive Guide
by Anthony T. Holdener III
982 Pages · 2008 · 13.3 MB · 4,709 Downloads · New!
Is Ajax a new technology, or the same old stuff web developers have been using for years? Both, actually. This book demonstrates not only how tried-and-true web standards make Ajax possible, but how these older technologies allow you to give sites a decidedly modern Web 2.0 feel.


