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Good Clean Beauty

Good Clean Beauty

by Caroline Bercaw & Isabel Bercaw
144 Pages · 2020 · 10 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Half Baked Harvest Super Simple
by Tieghan Gerard
288 Pages · 2019 · 144 MB · 2,877 Downloads · New!
Half Baked Harvest Super Simple is the slow cooking, natural food and party cooking book which tells the secrets to make healthy recipes in a few minutes. Tieghan Gerard is the author of this imposing book. She is a popular recipe developer, stylist, food photographer, and author of a cookbook. Tieghan started her career a few years ago as a blogger where she posts her easy to make recipes. She got a massive response from the audience and they help her to build a community. We all wanted to eat healthy, great and tasty food. The biggest dream of a woman is to deliver the best food to the guests.
by Candice Brown
256 Pages · 2018 · 79 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
Comfort is the cooking, party cooking and cake baking book that contains the hundreds of recipes to cook at home. Candice Brown is the author of this fascinating book. Brown is the pub landlord’s daughter and the high school teacher. She is obsessed with cooking and especially when it comes to bakes. This is the first cookbook from the author that takes the reader step by step through every process. It makes sure the comfort of the cooks who try it at home. Brown learn these recipes from her grandmother that is both tasty and healthy to eat. There is no rocket science required to learn these recipes just one practice is enough to master. Brown explains each and everything in detail that is easy to adopt for everyone. There are recipes for kids, parties, after tea, weekend bakes, Christmas and birthday parties. This guide contains delicious recipes of all ages. There are illustrations with proper guides so the newbies can’t find it difficult to master the bake recipes. All those recipes that are mentioned in the book are delightful so don’t forget the chance to present these recipes for your family and family. A remarkable cooking book for all the food lovers.
The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee
by James Freeman, Caitlin Freeman, Tara Duggan
240 Pages · 2012 · 20  MB · 57 Downloads · New!
The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee is the wine, food, coffee and recipe book that contains the best techniques to make mesmerizing coffee. James Freeman is the author of this remarkable book. Blue Bottle Coffee Company is one of the most popular roasters in America. It is popular among the people due to its delicious espresso, flavorful coffees, unique brewing methods, and devoted patrons. This is an imposing book that explains to people how to choose brew and make a drink of your fantasies. There are unlimited brands of coffee in the world that are serving. James teaches the unique ways of making coffee that is new for the readers to try at home. It’s time to become master of the siphon, French press and nel drip coffee tastes. This book contains over a hundred stunning photographs that are fully colored and amazing to view. It shares an easy way to check your coffee at home before you serve the drink to your guests. Learn how to check the quality of the coffee and it’s time to unleash a new breed of amazing coffees.
How to Be a Conscious Eater
by Sophie Egan
280 Pages · 2015 · 55 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
The “How to Be a Conscious Eater: Making Food Choices That Are Good for You, Others, and the Planet” is a great book that guides the reader what we eat to live a healthy life. Sophie Egan is the author of this self-help book. Sophie Egan is director of health and sustainability leadership and the editorial director for strategic initiatives at The Culinary Institute of America. In this book, Sophie Egan guides the reader step by step, which food is good for us. She provides accurate information to make smart, thoughtful choices amid the chaos of conflicting. How to Be a Conscious Eater discusses food in relation to its nutrition and also its impact on the planet. Additionally, Sophie tells the readers about proteins, which food has most proteins, which food is better for young and adult people. With the help of this book, the reader will get more information about eating, because Sophie offers bottom-line answers to your most top-of-mind questions about what to eat. All in all, How to Be a Conscious Eater is a must-read book for all, who are worrying about their diet.


