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Hard Goals

Hard Goals

by Mark Murphy
192 Pages · 2010 · 1 MB · 3,892 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
The Self Care Prescription
by Robyn Gobin
154 Pages · 2019 · 2  MB · 4,851 Downloads · New!
The Self Care Prescription is the personal transformation, success, happiness and self-help guide which tells the secrets to improve your life with every coming day. Robyn Gobin is the author of this fabulous book. This guide will show you how to improve your lifestyle on a daily basis and live a life that you actually deserve. What kind of life did you want to live in your imagination? What it really takes to achieve your goals? Where you wanted to work? What are the personal interests that you never compromise in your life? What kind of social calendar did you want to know? This is a kind of book that gives reality to your dreams.
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
by Angela Duckworth
352 Pages · 2016 · 2.46 MB · 5,071 Downloads · New!
“Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” is a self-success book that offers a unique idea of success. Angela Duckworth is the author of this amazing book. Angela has advised the White House, the World Bank, NBA and NFL teams, and Fortune 500 CEOs. In her book “Grit” she reveals that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls “Grit”. The book redefines the key to success and tells success is not “genius” but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance.
Make Your Bed
by William H. McRaven
144 Pages · 2017 · 1 MB · 45 Downloads · New!
Make Your Bed is the personal development, self-help and success book which shares the different principles to achieve success. William H. McRaven is the author of this fantastic book. The author was a four-star admiral in Navy SEAL. He struggles a lot in his career but he manages to stay on the top. William shares different stories about his self and the people before him. These stories are inspirational and motivates reader to achieve anything in life. He shares ten principles which help him to deal with the challenges during training and in personal life. William focuses to achieve one thing right after you wake up. It gives you courage and determination to perform other tasks as well. Remember one thing, for more efficient and quick results you need to make a team. Your performance will automatically increase when you are working in a team. There is no power on earth which defeats you until you accept the failure. Life will never come easy so always prepare for the challenges and the tough situations. These moments are never meant to break you but they are to develop you. Be a person who inspires others and have the courage to stand against bullies. The only way to conquer the world is to start by making your bed.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
by Deepak Chopra
128 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 67 Downloads · New!
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is the psychology, success and self-help guide which describe the different techniques to achieve success in your life. Deepak Chopra is the author of this fantastic book. This is the ultimate guide for success and finally, your dreams come true. It is based on the natural laws of nature which contradict with myths of the world. There is no need for breaking your body with hard work, driving ambition and deadly plans to combat with your dreams. The author shares the seven rules which spiritual help you to achieve goals if you follow them strictly. First, the law of pure potentiality which demands focus from the reader to accomplish the goal. Make the habit of giving happiness to others and become a person who creates opportunities for others. Do not deceive others and don’t become thugs otherwise you get the same. Work in the environment which suits you the most and increase the flow of work. Thinking is also the key to success and gives you the best intentions to your goal. Get rid of insecurities and fears to live a stress-free life. In the end, find the purpose of your life, why you create and what special ability you hold which others don’t.
David and Goliath
by Malcolm Gladwell
352 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 39 Downloads · New!
David and Goliath is the success, self-help and psychology book which changes the human perception about the challenges they face in their lives. Malcolm Gladwell is the author of this impressive book. This book describes the story of David and Goliath which happened three-thousands-years ago near the steep valley. The two armies come against each other to defeat each other. David is from Israel army and he was just a teenager with no battling power. Goliath is from Palestine, he is nine-feet long and he fought in different battles. The Palestine forces are standing at the gates of Israel and now it’s almost forty days since they came to attack. Goliath daily wears his armour came out from his camp and challenges his opponents for war and for single combat but he never gets a response. The fight begins and Goliath is removing the heads of enemies like vegetables. No one is standing in front of him and he was trying to enter into the gates. David is watching all this from the other side, his father asks him to check out his brothers and bring them back if they are injured. Their forces are losing hope and if he would not stop Goliath then they will lose the battle. The teenager boy David is going for single combat against Goliath and rest is a history now. Malcolm Gladwell describes the life lessons beautifully in the book how we can overcome our fears just by changing the perceptions.
The Adventures of Johnny Bunko
by Daniel H. Pink, Daniel Pink
160 Pages · 2008 · 28 MB · 71 Downloads · New!
The Adventures of Johnny Bunko is the career management, self-help and job hunting guide which shares the secret of a successful career. Daniel H. Pink is the author of this fantastic book. The author teaches the lesson of accomplishing success in life through story. Johnny Bunko recently finished his college studies and it’s time to pursue a career. Luckily, he fined the job of his dream which he always wanted to do. The things are totally different as he thought before entering into the industry. Whenever he tries to handle things more precisely then they become worse. The crises led him to almost quit his job but he does not. He makes his mind to rethink about his strategies and tackle the situation by thinking differently. First of all, he has to figure out trace out all his mistakes which he did repeatedly. After this, Johnny needs to make another plan and check out the margin of success. Did he doing again those mistakes and following the same pattern or success? What different approach he can use to win his career? Daniel shares the six core techniques of finding, flourishing and keeping the career success you have. The author guides the reader step by step to accomplishing success in every field of life.


