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I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself

I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself

by Marisa Crane
342 Pages · 2023 · 1 MB · 26 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Bonds of Brass By Emily Skrutskie ePub
by Emily Skrutskie
0 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 27 Downloads · New!
“Bonds of Brass ” is a popular book that is now available for download in PDF and ePub format. “Emily Skrutskie ” is the author of this impressive book. Here is the summary of this book; Ettian’s life was shattered when the merciless Umber Empire invaded his world. He’s spent seven years putting himself back together under its rule, joining an Umber military academy and becoming the best pilot in his class. Even better, he’s met Gal—his exasperating and infuriatingly enticing roommate who’s made the academy feel like a new home.


