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Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014

by Ross Mistry
130 Pages · 2014 · 9.3 MB · 4,393 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
PowerShell for SQL Server Essentials
by Donabel Santos
183 Pages · 2015 · 8.58 MB · 4,866 Downloads · New!
PowerShell for SQL Server Essentials helps us to manage and monitor server administration and application deployment. Use PowerShell along with SQL Server to perform common DBA tasks.
Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming
by Robert Vieira
936 Pages · 2009 · 14.6 MB · 2,383 Downloads · New!
Master the increasingly complex feature set of the latest release of Microsoft SQL Server with the information in Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Review the new features of SQL Server that will be of interest to you as an experienced developer and move on to more detailed, practical code examples. Learn how to write complex queries, build different types of data structures, improve application speed and performance, manage advanced scripting and errors, and design advanced databases the latest edition of this valuable programming guide.
A Developer’s Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server
by Eric Johnson
304 Pages · 2008 · 2.7 MB · 4,011 Downloads · New!
Effective data modeling is essential to ensuring that your databases will perform well, scale well, and evolve to meet changing requirements. However, if you’re modeling databases to run on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2005, theoretical or platform-agnostic data modeling knowledge isn’t enough: models that don’t reflect SQL Server’s unique real-world strengths and weaknesses often lead to disastrous performance.
Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008
by Dan Wood
672 Pages · 2008 · 13.9 MB · 3,025 Downloads · New!
Transact-SQL, or T-SQL, is Microsoft Corporation’s powerful implementation of the ANSI standard SQL database query language, which was designed to retrieve, manipulate, and add data to relational database management systems (RDBMS).
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management and Administration
by Hilary Cotter
912 Pages · 2008 · 20.8 MB · 2,506 Downloads · New!
If you need to deploy, manage, or secure Microsoft SQL Server 2008, this is the complete, fast-paced, task-based reference you’ve been searching for. Authored by a world-class expert on SQL Server in the enterprise, this book goes far beyond the basics, taking on the complex tasks that DBAs need to make the most of Microsoft’s flagship database platform. SQL Server MVP, Ross Mistry presents proven techniques for SQL Server 2008 installation, upgrades, backup/restore, data transfer, indexing, high availability, security, and much more. He draws on extensive testing in high-profile production environments to offer step-by-step solutions and powerful tips you won’t find anywhere else.
Pro Full-Text Search in SQL Server 2008
by Hilary Cotter
312 Pages · 2008 · 4 MB · 2,492 Downloads · New!
Businesses today want actionable insights into their data—they want their data to reveal itself to them in a natural and user–friendly form. What could be more natural than human language? Natural–language search is at the center of a storm of ever–increasing web–driven demand for human–computer communication and information access. SQL Server 2008 provides the tools to take advantage of the features of its built–in enterprise–level natural–language search engine in the form of integrated full–text search (iFTS). iFTS uses text–aware relational queries to provide your users with fast access to content. Whether you want to set up an enterprise–wide Internet or intranet search engine or create less ambitious natural–language search applications, this book will teach you how to get the most out of SQL Server 2008 iFTS:


