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by Ravipudi Venkata Rao
352 Pages · 2015 · 4 MB · 47 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Play On
by Jeff Bercovici
288 Pages · 2019 · 1 MB · 4,533 Downloads · New!
Play On is the safety, exercise, physical fitness and athlete book which tells the secrets to improve your fitness as an athlete and enjoy a long career. Jeff Bercovici is the author of this magnificent book. He is a journalist, athlete, and sports fan. His reports often appear in different magazines such as the New York Times and Glamour etc. Becoming a sportsman is easy but if you are aiming to become an athlete then it takes a lot of effort, dedication, and courage. There is immense competition in the world and you have to be at the top of the list by beating all the other players.
The Perfectionists
by Simon Winchester
416 Pages · 2018 · 11 MB · 57 Downloads · New!
The Perfectionists is the development, history and engineering book which tells the history of development and technology from beginning to digital age. Simon Winchester is the author of this interesting book. This is an amazing and New York Times bestselling book which provides the best information about technology and development. Over a few decades, the world changes surprisingly in its structures. The industrial revolution begins from eighteen century from England when the engineers introduce a new term called precision. The definition of precision in calculating the exact amount of resources you need to develop a structure. Today we have the machines to build other machines. This precision helps people to create appropriate lenses, mirrors, cameras, weapons and buildings. The people from UAE are busy to build the world largest buildings which are even higher than the world largest mountains. The world got the latest weapons in the form of guns, pistols and most importantly missiles. Life of the peoples gets easier to live than ever anyone imagines. People can travel the distance of days into few hours. In the end, the author explains the various things why precision is so important in manufacturing? What are the multiple tools which help us to measure the precision? How and when it became perfect? Why it is important in every single project.
by Neal Stephenson
880 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 69 Downloads · New!
Seveneves is the suspense, science fiction, fantasy, literature and thriller novel which describe the story of planet earth whose feature is in danger. Neal Stephenson is the author of this classic novel. He is a bestselling author in science fiction and everyone praised his work. This book wins different awards and millions of people around the world have already read it. Bill Gates recommend this book in 2016 as a must-have book to read for all people. The future of earth is in danger and people have minimum time to get over it. There are different diseases spread from last few years which are un-curable. Millions of people already die and after a few months, the whole world will vanish. The scientists do not know what to do but Kevin come up with an idea. He suggests his colleagues build an orbiting habitat and they have a short time to build it. This was the only way to save humanity but he believes. There are a number of challenges to build that kind of space ship which can carry almost all remaining people to the near planets. Moon is the most suited option for them and everybody is agreed. Will they able to develop this orbiting habitat? How many of them are able to get back to earth? It takes three years to author to write this enigmatic novel. There is the concept of various new technologies which can be part of reality.
American Gun
by Chris Kyle, William Doyle
336 Pages · 2014 · 8.3 · 45 Downloads · New!
American Gun is the military history, warfare history, biography and conventional weapons book which tells the history of American weapons used by the author during his service. Chris Kyle and William Doyle are the authors of this magnificent book. Chris Kyle joins the U.S navy seal at the age of twenty-two and he has the passion to serve his country. He told about the guns that he used during his service and all of them are flawless. Chris has a craze for the weapons and especially when it comes to guns. He tells his experience while working with Spencer repeater, American long rifle, Springfield M1, Thompson submachine gun, M1911 pistol, 38 Special police revolver, M1 Garand and Winchester 1873 rifle. Chris is married to Taya and they are very happy with each other. They have happier memories together and it’s been a whole decade since they married. Chris is the father of two kids and living happily in America. He was in the last stage of completing this book when he gets killed in Iraq.
Area 51
by Annie Jacobsen
592 Pages · 2015 · · 53 Downloads · New!
The “Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base” is an interesting book about the development and history of black programs in the United States. The author of this interesting book is Annie Jacobsen. Annie Jacobsen writes many other books, including THE PENTAGON’S BRAIN, SURPRISE, KILL and many more. Her books have been translated into nine languages. In Area 51, Annie gives you a good and necessary background about the Cold War. Reading this book make you learn about how groundbreaking aircraft like U2, A12, OXCART, F-117, etc. Annie shares the history of the U-2 and SR-71 developments which are accurate and interesting. She quotes extensively from an engineer who theoretically knew the real story.
Applied Minds
by Guru Madhavan
272 Pages · 2016 · 1 MB · 42 Downloads · New!
Applied Minds is the patents, inventions, engineering, and technology book which tells the secrets for engineers to become more productive. Guru Madhavan is the author of this superb book. Engineers played their role to make the world digital, modern and advance. Today engineers build the world’s tallest buildings, computers, software, apps, mobiles, clocks and everything that we are using now. This book explores the unique mental and vision tools that led the engineers to think beyond their limits. Learn how to turn any problem into an opportunity and provide the ultimate solution for it. There are some remarkable names in the history of inventions like Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, and Wright Brothers, etc. Today engineering is used everywhere such as mobiles, bands, ATMs, ZIP codes, construction and etc. This book contains a toolkit that will polish the productivity of the engineers and motivates them to come up with a solution. Learn the best use and importance of reliability, optimization, standards, prototyping, and functionality while making any kind of design. What are the new techniques that anyone can use to give reality to their thoughts? How to look at the problem and what to remember while providing the ultimate solution. Guru shares the case studies and stories of the successful people who changed the world.


