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Justice for Animals Our Collective Responsibility

Justice for Animals Our Collective Responsibility

by Martha C. Nussbaum
400 Pages · 2023 · 1 MB · 38 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
This Changes Everything
by Naomi Klein
576 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 63 Downloads · New!
“This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate” is a very informative book that explains the current carbon-climate problem. The author of this best-selling book is Naomi Klein. She is one of the best organizers and authors of Canada’s Leap Manifesto. In November 2016, she was awarded Australia’s prestigious Sydney peace prize. Naomi was invited to speak at the Vatican to help lunch Pope Francis’s historic encyclical on ecology. “This Change Everything” was an instant New York Times bestseller book and is translated into over 25 languages. Naomi insists in this book, that our capitalism must change in order to slow global warming. She provides suggestions for how this might be solved, but it will bother for those peoples who love their air conditioning, cars, and air travel. They are typically interested in preserving their own wealth and power. It is clear from scientific evidence that human activity associated with fossil fuels has created the problem. If we take action on this critical problem then we can replace fossil fuels with environmentally safe renewable sources of energy. It will also create many jobs and redistribute wealth. If we fail or lazy to act soon we will not be able to stop the heating up of our planet and the results will be horrible. In short, “This Changes Everything” has a fair assessment of the research regarding climate change and global warming.
by Jared Diamond
608 Pages · 2011 · 3 MB · 32 Downloads · New!
Collapse is the environmental policy, geography, historical and Mayan history book that shares the secret behind the demise of different societies all over the world. Jared Diamond is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Diamond is the Pulitzer-Prize winner author who gathers depth of knowledge before writing any of the books. He explains how societies collapse and what makes them suffer. Diamond list number of challenges that societies face and strong people go through from every kind of challenge. According to Diamond, climate change, rapid population growth, environmental damage and unwise political choices lead to the demise of societies. There should be a proper plan to deal with unexpected situations. Most of the people look for rescue instead of trying to push themself. Collapse sometimes helps the societies to stand strong and make sure that they are unbreakable for the next time. There are a number of things that vary in the demise of societies. The relation among the people plays a key role in societies and still number of things to do. It is a comprehensive book that contains each and everything that you wanted to know about societies. Diamond provides the answer to all of our provoking questions.
Apocalypse Never
by Michael Shellenberger
432 Pages · 2020 · 29 MB · 33 Downloads · New!
Apocalypse Never is the climate change and environmentalist book that briefly explains the end of the world and the role of climate change. Michael Shellenberger is the author of this fabulous book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times. He is a lifelong environmental activist and also a leading energy expert. We all know that climate change is real but it’s not the end of the world. Climate change is not a threat to humanity and we can easily deal with it through easy to follow strategies. Michael is fighting for the green planet for decades. He is the one who is always ready to put himself at first for the safety of the planet. Michael is the one who saved redwoods from distinction. He is a successful climate scientist who helps the nuclear programs in preventing the spike of emissions. Deaths of extreme weather happen every year in the world and the death rate in poor countries is higher. There are some rich people behind the change of climate who have serious benefits in their business. These people are controlling governments by funding them in their political campaigns. The need for power and status leads to the death of poor people and it needed to finish.


