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Learning Chef

Learning Chef

by Mitesh Soni, Rishabh Sharma
316 Pages · 2015 · 14.96 MB · 3,584 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Mastering VMware Horizon 6
by Barry Coombs
640 Pages · 2015 · 40.85 MB · 1,866 Downloads · New!
Horizon 6 is VMware’s latest end-user computing solution, designed not only to centralize and virtualize desktop environments but also to deliver individual applications securely to any device by means of a virtual workspace.
Cryptography and Network Security, 5th Edition
by William Stallings
744 Pages · 2010 · 8.21 MB · 3,649 Downloads · New!
William Stallings’ Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 5e is a practical survey of cryptography and network security with unmatched support for instructors and students.
Elastix Unified Communications Server Cookbook
by Gerardo Barajas Puente
348 Pages · 2015 · 13.92 MB · 2,770 Downloads · New!
Elastix brings together the most useful tools and features from the Unified Communications and Open Source worlds: IP-PBX, Chat, Call Center, Multisite, Video, and so on, in a modular way.
Mastering Nmap Scripting Engine
by Paulino Calderon Pale
332 Pages · 2015 · 1.49 MB · 2,555 Downloads · New!
Nmap is a well-known security tool used by penetration testers and system administrators for many different networking tasks. The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) was introduced during Google’s Summer of Code 2006 and has added the ability to perform additional tasks on target hosts, such as advanced fingerprinting and service discovery and information gathering.
Web Security
by Hanqing Wu
526 Pages · 2015 · 23.33 MB · 1,469 Downloads · New!
In late 2013, approximately 40 million customer debit and credit cards were leaked in a data breach at Target. This catastrophic event, deemed one of the biggest data breaches ever, clearly showed that many companies need to significantly improve their information security strategies. Web Security: A White Hat Perspective presents a comprehensive guide to web security technology and explains how companies can build a highly effective and sustainable security system.
Zabbix Cookbook
by Patrik Uytterhoeven
247 Pages · 2015 · 13.91 MB · 2,067 Downloads · New!
This book will teach you the skills required to successfully set up and configure a Zabbix server. We will guide you through the interface setup and explain all the features available in Zabbix.


