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Learning Java

Learning Java

by John Horton
774 Pages · 2015 · 8 MB · 4,515 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
by Steve Tale
122 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 31 Downloads · New!
The “Java: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Java Programming” is a great book for those who want to learn all about Java programming. Steve Dale is the author of this great book. he has written a programming book and all of them are worth to read. This book is simple and easy to understand for newbies who are looking to start learning on Javascript. Java is one of the best programming languages for all that they could learn about and even master if they are a beginner. With the help of this book, the reader will learn the syntax of Java, how to initialize the variable and how to call the function, etc. It was designed primarily so that developers could their programs once and allow those programs to run anywhere. Additionally, this book can really help you in starting a programming career of your own. Everything that the developers need to know is explained in this book. This is a time well spent reading for anyone who is wanting to get a background in Java without too much hassle. All in all, Java is a must-read book for all newbie who wants to be a master in Java programming.
An Introduction to Network Programming with Java
by Jan Graba
392 Pages · 2015 · 4 MB · 32 Downloads · New!
The “An Introduction to Network Programming with Java” is a great update for Java. An Introduction to Network Programming with Java is written by the author Jan Graba. Jan Graba has written numerous programming books and all of them are interesting and worth reading. His books engage all the readers from start to end of the page. In this book, Jan Graba treats both the network and Java with clarity, sensitivity to the reader’s needs. He offers an ideal introduction to network programming for readers who are familiar with Java and want to extend their knowledge. This book presents modern cryptography in a way that anyone can understand and makes even the most difficult of subjects easy to learn. An Introduction to Network Programming with Java is clear and concise for beginners, explains advanced techniques for intermediate users, and also a great reference for experienced users.    I highly recommended this book, if you are starting to learn networking and plan to move to bigger and better things in the networking world. All in all, An Introduction to Network Programming with Java is a necessary book for computer science students.
Fullstack React Native
by Anthony Accomazzo, Ajit, Devin Abbott, Houssein Djirdeh, Sophia Shoemaker
688 Pages · 2015 · 52 MB · 60 Downloads · New!
The “Fullstack React Native: Create beautiful mobile apps with JavaScript and React Native” is easy to read the book for creating beautiful mobile apps with JavaScript and React. Devin Abbott, Houssein Djirdeh, Anthony Accomazzo, and Sophia Shoemaker are the authors of this book. This book has 11 chapters and these chapters help the readers to develop and release a native app on both iOS and Android from a single codebase. Fullstack React Native also teaches React Native from the ground up and you can use it even if you’ve never written a mobile app before. Every chapter of this book comes with a complete project that uses the concepts in the chapter and provides support for both iOS and Android. Additionally, it helps you to get your feet wet with React Native by building a weather app allows the user to input their location and grabs weather data from a third-party API. It also helps brush up on your core React knowledge and build a time tracking app. All in all, Fullstack React Native is a great book for learning and professional development in Fullstack React Native.
Write Modern Web Apps with the MEAN Stack
by Jeff Dickey
246 Pages · 2015 · 8 · 23 Downloads · New!
The “Write Modern Web Apps with the MEAN Stack: Mongo, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js (Develop and Design), 1st Edition” is an easy to follow book for newbies and intermediate developers. Jeff Dickey is the author of this book. Jeff Dickey is a full stack web developer with extensive startup experience in San Francisco and Los Angeles. His experience of teaching has greatly helped his communication skills with less technical people. Jeff explains a new way to write web applications by treating the front-end as if it a third party, for example, a mobile client. The app is developed step by step and every step is clearly explained. He guides how to use the MEAN set of tools to create a web application, from installation and setup of the tools to deploy your app. Jeff jumps into an introduction to each tool and then dives into using the complete JavaScript-based application stack to build and deploy apps. This book allows readers to understand the concept first and understand the reasoning behind certain the best practice. In summary, Write Modern Web Apps with the MEAN Stack is a great book on modern web development tools.
Rust Programming Cookbook
by Claus Matzinger
444 Pages · 2015 · 5 MB · 32 Downloads · New!
The “Rust Programming Cookbook: Explore the latest features of Rust 2018 for building fast and secure apps” is a programming book that reveals the core concepts of Rust to develop fast and safe applications. Claus Matzinger is the author of this programming book. Claus is a software engineer with a very diverse background. After working in a small company maintaining code for embedded devices, he joined a large corporation to work on legacy Smalltalk applications. Rust Programming Cookbook is a practical guide book for all readers as it helps overcome challenges when writing Rust code. After reading this book, the reader will learn how to overcome common roadblocks when using Rust for systems programming, web development, and networking programming. Furthermore, the reader will learn how to achieve better parallelism and security with Rust. It reveals how to build web applications and services using Rust for high performance. This book will also enhance their knowledge of Rust and leverage features using modern programming practices. All in all, Rust Programming Cookbook is a must read a book for all programming students.
Android Game Programming
by John Horton
388 Pages · 2015 · · 26 Downloads · New!
The “Android Game Programming by Example” is an informative book for android game developers. John Horton is the author of this game programming book. This book is very helpful for Android or Java programmers who want to acquire their skills to make exciting Android games. John is a programming and gaming enthusiast based in the UK. He has a passion for writing apps, games, books and blog articles. John is also the founder of Game Code School. In this book, the reader will learn how to implement the critical game loop, how to implement basic and advanced collision detection mechanics. John Horton starts this book by teaching the readers, the setup of a game development environment on a fundamental level. The author uses a few chapters on a quick refresher and then he moves on. He starts out with simple examples and then they get more and more complex, but you are never lost. To be honest, after reading this book, reader will have successfully built three exciting games over the course of three engrossing and insightful projects. In short, Android Game Programming by Example is a necessary book for the newbies and professional’s Android game developers.


