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Life Inside the Bubble

Life Inside the Bubble

by Dan Bongino
208 Pages · 2013 · 3 MB · 25 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Mrs. Kennedy and Me
by Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin
352 Pages · 2012 · 4 MB · 28 Downloads · New!
Mrs. Kennedy and Me is the law enforcement, politics, history and memoir book which describe the story of Mrs. Kennedy. Clint Hilland Lisa McCubbin is the author of this impressive book. He is born in North Dakota in 1932. Clint was the unexpected son of his mother who was a maid in the hotel. A few days later, he was sent to kids home where he adopted by a family. His adoptive parents take good care of him and he gets everything which any kid needs at that particular time. After completing his graduation in college, he joined the secret service of America in 1958. He was very happy to get his dream job and now he is an official security person in the White House. Clint is hired for the security of first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. There are threats for both Mr. & Mrs. President on the election year. One day on the election campaign, he was there with the first lady when President John F. Kennedy was shot down during. He was sitting behind in the car and Mr. President was on his lap, they try there hard but he died. During this tragedy, the first lady was pregnant and all alone. Clint was there to protect her and emotional support her on a different occasion. He spends four years with the first lady and he almost killed himself while doing his job.
Life Undercover
by Amaryllis Fox
240 Pages · 2019 · 1 MB · 49 Downloads · New!
Life Undercover is the biography, law enforcement, memoir and CIA book which tells the story of a young graduate from Oxford. Amaryllis Fox is the author of this impressive book. Amaryllis decided in early life that she will become a lawyer. Now, she is almost twenty-year old and can’t wait to get her degree in theology and international law from Oxford University. She is in her last semester when her writing mentor was captured. Amaryllis admires Daniel Pearl who was brutally murder by the terrorists. She applied for the master’s program in the School of Foreign Service. Amaryllis works hard and finally able to create an algorithm that will predict the uncanny results. Just at the age of twenty-one, Amaryllis got recruited by the CIA. Her first assignment was to analyze the data for the President of America and she did her quite well. Amaryllis impressed everyone and then the CIA wants her to become a real badass. She spends six months in severe physical and mental training where she learned a number of things. She masters the art of self-defense and an easy way to die in case of captivity. Amaryllis perform her job in almost sixteen countries and there is a lot more for the readers.
A Colony in a Nation
by Chris Hayes
272 Pages · 2018 · 1 MB · 25 Downloads · New!
A Colony in a Nation is the law enforcement, U.S affairs and racism book which critically analyzes the performance of law enforcement while dealing with injustice. Chris Hayes is the author of this tremendous book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times and the winner of the Emmy Award. Civil rights are always the biggest challenge for the Americans and still, people are suffering from this. The African-American is treated as slaves a few decades ago and they have to right to enjoy their life. The only thing that black people can do is to obey the commands of their lords. White supremacy is still ruling America no matter racism is stop. The behavior of agencies with white and black people is different. If there are two suspects at some point then it must be the black guy. The real estate business went to lose if a black man manages to buy any property in any society. African-Americans look for the government to help them but they are still helpless. They did not know who to ask for help in case of help as everything is meant for the white people.
by Dan Bongino
224 Pages · 2019 · 1 MB · 28 Downloads · New!
Exonerated is the politics, USA government, literature and democracy book that reveals the history of a failed exonerated of American President. Dan Bongino is the author of this fantastic book. He is the bestselling author in New York Times Dan is an expert of monitoring American politics and he is writing from decades. He knows the inside reports of politics and his words are hard to challenge for the government. Now, Dan tells the world about the truth behind the election rigging and how news are spread to demolish the government of America. Donald Trump become the president of America in 2016 general election. The stats were not in his site at the current time and his opponent clearly has dominance. Opposite party was confident that they will easily win election. At the day of election results, Donal Trump become the president of America and then after few weeks he faces the severe accuse of election rigging. The news were all over the national and private channels of America in all over the world. Everyone is asking that Donald was aided by the Russian Government in these elections and he is the one who had these stolen elections. Dan exposes all the media and people who were behind these allegations.
Follow the Money
by Dan Bongino
208 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 23 Downloads · New!
“Follow the Money: The Shocking Deep State of the Anti- Trump Cabal” is a wonderful and fiction filled book in which author helps us to understand that no one can be successful and prosper in life with corruption and if he does so then that progress will not be satisfying for him. This fantastic book is written by Dan Bongino. He served as police officer and as secret service agent and has been a famous person in American history and politics. Here author says that corruption is common both in developed and developing countries and it is the tool which is short cut for people to success and progress in life. Author gives us an example from American history that all the famous leaders like Donald Trump reach there due to corruption. Author says that money is the most fascinating nd attractive thing for all of us and we agree on anything to do. So, we all follow the money and wealth because it gives us luxurious life which is the dream of all of us. In short, the book is full of facts, inspiration, motivation and interest for all of us.
Blood in the Water
by Heather Ann Thompson
752 Pages · 2017 · 14 MB · 42 Downloads · New!
Blood in the Water is the law enforcement, history of America, and criminology book that contains the story of a brutal incident that happened three decades ago in New York, America. Heather Ann Thompson is the author of this impressive book. She is the bestselling author in the New York Times. This book is the winner of many awards and hits at the heart of readers. The story begins on September 9, 1971, when prisoners try to take control of their hands by taking the hostages. They wanted to stand against the facilities and mistreatment of the government to them as prisoners. These prisoners have civilian employees and guards as hostages. They are ready for negotiation but the government has decided something else for them. New York’s law enforcement decided to take serious action against them. An emergency meeting is being called and they are ready to take control back from prisoners no matter how hard the situation becomes. The operation was continued for 4 days and eventually police get control back. The State sends hundreds of heavily armed troops that ends up in severe violence. 39 people have killed both hostages and prisoners. Hundreds of them were injured badly and the media has no right to bring the inside stories.


