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Lift Web Applications How-to

Lift Web Applications How-to

by Torsten Uhlmann
85 Pages · 2013 · 1.2 MB · 2,951 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Learning Play! Framework 2
by Andy Petrella
290 Pages · 2013 · 8.5 MB · 2,850 Downloads · New!
The Learning Play! Framework 2 has been created for web developers that are building web applications. The core idea is to focus on the HTTP features and to enable them through a simplification lens. Building a web application no longer requires a configuration phase, an environment setup, or a long development lifecycle – it’s integrated!
Lift Cookbook
by Richard Dallaway
256 Pages · 2013 · 4.3 MB · 4,683 Downloads · New!
If you need help building web applications with the Lift framework, this cookbook provides scores of concise, ready-to-use code solutions. You’ll find recipes for everything from setting up a coding environment to creating REST web services and deploying your application to production.
Play for Scala
by Erik Bakker
328 Pages · 2013 · 3.8 MB · 1,363 Downloads · New!
Play is a Scala web framework with built-in advantages: Scala’s strong type system helps deliver bug-free code, and the Akka framework helps achieve hassle-free concurrency and peak performance. Play builds on the web’s stateless nature for excellent scalability, and because it is event-based and nonblocking, you’ll find it to be great for near real-time applications.
Scala Cookbook
by Alvin Alexander
772 Pages · 2013 · 6.1 MB · 1,550 Downloads · New!
Save time and trouble when using Scala to build object-oriented, functional, and concurrent applications. With more than 250 ready-to-use recipes and 700 code examples, this comprehensive cookbook covers the most common problems you’ll encounter when using the Scala language, libraries, and tools. It’s ideal not only for experienced Scala developers, but also for programmers learning to use this JVM language.
Scala in Action
by Nilanjan Raychaudhuri
416 Pages · 2013 · 4.7 MB · 2,715 Downloads · New!
Scala in Action is a comprehensive tutorial that introduces the language through clear explanations and numerous hands-on examples. It takes a “how-to” approach, explaining language concepts as you explore familiar programming tasks. You’ll tackle concurrent programming in Akka, learn to work with Scala and Spring, and learn how to build DSLs and other productivity tools. You’ll learn both the language and how to use it.
Testing in Scala
by Daniel Hinojosa
166 Pages · 2013 · 6.2 MB · 2,842 Downloads · New!
If you build your Scala application through Test-Driven Development, you’ll quickly see the advantages of testing before you write production code. This hands-on book shows you how to create tests with ScalaTest and the Specs2 – two of the best testing frameworks available – and how to run your tests in the Simple Build Tool (SBT) designed specifically for Scala projects.


