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Make: Sensors

Make: Sensors

by Tero Karvinen, Kimmo Karvinen, Ville Valtokari
400 Pages · 2015 · 25 MB · 57 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language
by William Ughetta
425 Pages · 2015 · 18 MB · 35 Downloads · New!
The “ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language, 1st Edition” is an excellent book that reveals how to develop good, structured assembly code. William Ughetta and Larry D. Pyeatt are the authors of this great book. William Ughetta is an undergraduate Computer Science major at Princeton University. His experience programming ARM assembly language started in high school and continued in college. Larry D. Pyeatt earned his doctorate in Computer Science, focusing on Artificial Intelligence, from Colorado State University in 1999. He has programmed in over 15 assembly languages, from mainframes to 8-bit embedded systems. In ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language, the authors reveal the concepts of assembly language programming, in the beginning they explain simple examples and then towards complex programming. This book will help the readers to understand representations of and arithmetic operations on, integral and real numbers in any base, and more. Furthermore, this book covers advanced topics such as fixed and floating point mathematics, optimization and ARM NEON. It also provides concepts that are illustrated and reinforced with a large number of tested and debugged assembly and C source listings. To sum it up, ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language, 1st Edition is a helpful book for all programming students.
Practical Electronics for Inventors
by Paul Scherz
1056 Pages · 2015 · 11 MB · 31 Downloads · New!
The “Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition” is an enlightening book for all the newbies and professional electronics students. Paul Scherz and Simon Monk are the authors of this book. Paul Scherz is a Systems Operation Manager who received his B.S. in physics from the University of Wisconsin. He is an investor in electronics, an area he grew to appreciate through his experience at the University’s Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics and the Department of Plasma Physics. Practical Electronics for Inventors is a fully updated book of electronics that provides knowledge and gain the skills necessary to develop and construct your own functioning gadgets. This updated fourth edition provides step by step instructions, schematics, and illustrations. With the help of this book, the reader will learn how to select the right components, design and build circuits, use microcontrollers, and ICs and also test your creation module or circuit. This updated fourth edition covers resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers, sensors GPS module, touch screens and many more. All in all, Practical Electronics for Inventors is a fully updated book of electronics.
Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuit
by Anant Agarwal
1008 Pages · 2015 · 8 MB · 37 Downloads · New!
The “Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuit (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design) 1st Edition” is a helpful book for newbies and professionals of electronics students. The authors of this informative book are Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey Lang. This book engages all the electronics students from start to last page. Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuit combine two things, circuit and electronics into a single. They teach you about how circuits really work in the real world and what happens at failure etc. This book attempts to form a bridge between the world computer system and physics. The book clearly and concisely educates the reader not only in circuits, but in application of circuit theory to electronics, both analog and digital. The book is complete with solved exercises and answers to select chapter problems. The authors also provide an understandable explanation of the concepts presented. To sum it up, Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuit is an essential book for electrical students.
Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition
by Simon Monk, Paul Scherz
1056 Pages · 2015 · 81MB · 48 Downloads · New!
“Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition” is an important book to anyone learning electronics or looking to understand theory and parts. Paul Scherz and Simon Monk are the authors of this attractive book. The author explains many many technical things about electronics and electricity. You could spend a long time reading this book and adsorbing useful, albeit somewhat nerdy, knowledge from it. This is a great book, with a lot of extra info, worked into the 4th edition. This is a perfect reference book, period. It has information starting from what electricity is, all the way to multiple circuit diagrams and theories of electricity. Great book on basic electricity and electronics – very informative and excellent introductory source into the field of electronics – both theoretical and with some useful practical examples. It is educative and also a great reference source. It is well written with many details explained in depth. It is like an all-around electronics course in one book. Good balance between applications, technical information, and theory. It can be used as a guide for learning electronics in a practical order helping you learn progressively and decide which areas require more research-based on your goals or interests. All in all, this is an excellent reference for someone who wants a one-stop-shop to review any of the wide variety of topics that are covered. This book does seem to be more focused on the breadth of topics than depth, so it may be more useful to hobbyists than professionals. In either case, the book should be a valuable pickup for anyone in search of a solid overview of electronic circuits.
How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic
by Michael Geier
416 Pages · 2015 · 4 MB · 23 Downloads · New!
The “How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic, Second Edition” is a helpful book for all the electronics students. Michael Geier is the author of this excellent book. Michael has been an electronics technician, designer, and inventor since childhood. He took apart everything he could get his hands on and soon discovered that learning to put it back together was even more fun. When he was just 8 years old, he operated a neighborhood electronics repair service that was profiled in The Miami News. In this book, Michael Geier describes electronics in-depth, how to fix anything and how to prepare new circuits. After reading this book, the reader will learn how to repair all kinds of electrical products, from modern digital gadgets to analog antiques. Furthermore, Michael Geier also provides instruction for specific devices, including stereos, MP3 players, digital cameras, flat-panel TVs and mobile devices, etc. Michael says, choose the proper tools and set up your workbench. To sum it up, How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic is an informative book for all the electrical students and professionals.
VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability
by Shojiro Asai
800 Pages · 2015 · 41 MB · 34 Downloads · New!
The “VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability, 1st Edition” is a helpful book for those who are working on large scale projects. Shojiro Asai is the author of this instructive book. This book is very helpful and explains everything in depth. It consists of three main parts. Part one describes how electronic systems are designed and tested. Part two addresses numerous threats to the dependability of VLSIs as key systems components, including variation in device characteristics, electromagnetic interference, design errors, and tempering. Part three of this book elaborates on the design and test technologies for dependability in such applications as controls of robots and vehicles. Furthermore, VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability is very helpful for those students who are working on the design and testing of VLSI systems with particular attention to dependability. This book comes with a lot of ideas such as real-time responsiveness, simultaneity guarantee, redundant wireless system, and wireless connection between subsystems, redundancy considering time and operation progress. All in all, VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability is a helpful book for all the students who are working on electronics projects.


