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Networking Like a Pro

Networking Like a Pro

by Ajit, Ivan Misner, David Alexander, Brian Hilliard
240 Pages · 2015 · 6 MB · 52 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Brand Seduction
by Daryl Weber
288 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 2,388 Downloads · New!
The “Brand Seduction: How Neuroscience Can Help Marketers Build Memorable Brands” is a wonderful book that guides the readers on how human beings make decisions. Brand Seduction is written by the author Daryl Weber. Daryl Weber is a branding consultant whose work has influenced many of the best and biggest brands in the world, including Nike, Coca-Cola, and much more. He was a Director of Strategy at the boutique brand and innovation consultancy Redscout, where he advised Fortune 500 companies on new product innovation and brand positioning.
It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be
by Paul Arden
128 Pages · 2015 · 21 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
“It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be: The World’s Bestselling Book” is an interesting and must-read book in which the author says that goodness doesn’t lie in your habits rather it lies in your heart and in your thoughts and to wish to be good is the first step to be good. This formidable book is written by Paul Arden. He had spent more than 15 years of his life in advertising and graphic writing and had been the bestselling New York Times author. In this book, the author guides us on how to develop the goodness in yourself and how to develop a desire to be good. The book states that it doesn’t matter how good or bad you are but the thing that matters is that how much devoted and passionate you are to be good and what efforts you are making in this regard. In summary, the book is full of inspiration, optimism, hope, and is a must-read book for the readers who want to enjoy life in true means.
The Hero and the Outlaw
by Margaret Mark
400 Pages · 2001 · 3 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
The Hero and the Outlaw is the advertising, business and marketing book which guide the reader how to shape your brand names and logos which promotes the sales. Margaret Mark is the author of this outstanding book. The author has decades of experience in marketing and promoting the business of her clients. This book contains a totally new approach towards marketing and all the techniques are proven. While any new startup you need to determine the brand name and its logo. Margaret draws her full attention on the first stage of your business which begins through brand logo and design. She shares the psychology of getting the right kind of brand name and logo which resonates the heart and mind of your targeted customers. Yes, it’s true you can beat your competitor at once with your brand name, logo and motive. There are only a few companies who are familiar to the importance of brand meaning and how it works. How to manage the brand name and how to promote your business? The book contains several success stories of different brands like Ivory, Nike and Marlboro. He shows the flexibility how to draw your company on the road of success. When you implement a fully functional and proven system to promote your business then it is surely going to work.
by Phd, Dan Lok, Robert B. Cialdini, Robert B. Cialdini Phd
332 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 87 Downloads · New!
Influence is the psychology, marketing and business guide which contains the secrets of improving sales of any particular business and product. Dan Lok is the author of this remarkable book. He is CEO of multinational companies whose worth is billions of dollars. In this guide, he shares his techniques and principles which lead him to become successful in business. Just imagine if you know the philosophy of human behind buying items and products. What if you motivate and influence customers to buy your services and products. Would be anything great from this and most importantly its possible. This book provides all those techniques and principles which helps you in improving your business. These techniques are enough to take out money from your customers. It helps you to turn your customers into permanent clients so they keep coming to you to buy your products. All of these techniques directly affect the mind of people. Learn how to motivate your clients with conversations and positive emotions. How to produce feelings which give you confident of winning and improving your business. Impressively turns objections into meaningless objections which they have. How to gain the attention of your customers by different offers. There are forty-seven different tactics which are mentioned and all of them are worthy to apply.
The Art of Closing the Sale
by Brian Tracy
210 Pages · 2007 · 5 MB · 51 Downloads · New!
The Art of Closing the Sale is the selling, marketing and business book which shares multiple ways to promote business and increase profit. Brian Tracy is the author of this impressive book. The main thing in success is your attitude towards business. Managers who usually failed in the business or did not achieve their desired results, they all have an attitude problem. The unsuccessful salesperson always blames the environment and conditions for its failure around him. The successful salesperson has a strong belief in the market around him and the products which he is selling. According to the author, self-esteem and confidence have an important role in the success of a salesperson. This book contains fifty practical day to day tips and techniques to improve your performance. Learn two main factors to increase the level of sales in a dramatic way. Three tips to become a giant seller in the world of selling products. Find out the common pitfalls which are the cancer of selling products and the end of your career. You will also learn the art of negotiation and ending the deal in an enormous way. Identify those five little secrets which lead you towards ultimate success.
How to Write a Good Advertisement
by Victor O. Schwab
246 Pages · 2013 · 13 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
How to Write a Good Advertisement is marketing, selling, business writing and advertisement book which shares the stunning ways of creating a killer ad for your business. Victor O. Schwab is the author of this fascinating book. There are millions of businesses in the world and all of them needs the advertisement for success. The companies spend thousands of dollars daily and monthly to promote their business. Our world is a global village now and today it is easier to promote our business as compared to the previous few decades. So you can’t lift your business by neglecting marketing, promotion, advertising, and powerful words. A good advertisement is a mixture of different things and mostly it depends on the words which we choose. Basically, our advertisement depends on the quality of words which we used to pursue the buyers. There are few people who are born talented and they have the ability to write a killer add strategy. No need to worry, if you don’t have this talent as the author shares few strategies to learn and master it. Always focus on the better copy of your add. Create a unique idea and build your credibility in advertising. Generate the winning layouts and choose the best among them. There are tons of other strategies which transform your business sales.


