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The Knowledge Illusion

The Knowledge Illusion

by Steve Sloman
304 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
The Choice Factory
by Richard Shotton
202 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
“The Choice Factory: 25 behavioral biases that influence what we buy” is an important book for business purpose. The author of this successful book is Richard Shotton. Richard is Head of Behavioural Sciences at Manning Gottlieb OMD, the most awarded media agency in the history of the IPA Effectiveness awards. He is interested in how findings from behavioral science can be applied to advertising. Richard writes about the behavioral experiments, he runs for titles such as Marketing Week, Campaign, The Drum and Quartz. Richard Shotton says, The Choice Factory is an important book for all peoples who want to learn about business. He also describes how our behavior is shaped by psychological shortcuts. The Choice Factory reveals, Marketers nowadays are possessed with brand purpose, shiny-automated-dashboards and artificial intelligence. Each business hoping to differentiate, to be the first to discover and use the next big thing in marketing.
The How of Happiness
by Sonja Lyubomirsky
380 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 27 Downloads · New!
“The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want” is a comprehensive guide to understanding the elements of happiness. Sonja Lyubomirsky is the author of this self-help book. Sonja is a professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside. Dr. Lyubomirsky is a leader in the field of happiness research and her book displays that. It is an excessive overview of the science behind happiness and is well-organized and well-written. She provides great practical tips on specific actions that can lead to feeling happier and more positive. The How of Happiness is a practical and easy-to-follow book that shares numerous strategies of happiness and quizzes for understanding our individuality. Furthermore, there are specific practices a person can implement in their life which have been found, through experimental studies, to be linked to higher levels of happiness. I recommended this book to all people, to find how to achieve the happiness that they deserve. To sum it up, The How of Happiness has a scientifically proven happiness strategy that anyone can easily apply in their lives.
The Anxiety Toolkit
by Alice Boyes
240 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
“The Anxiety Toolkit: Strategies for Fine-Tuning Your Mind and Moving Past Your Stuck Points” is a great book that provides anxiety toolkit for an anxious person. Alice Boyes is the author of this successful book. Dr. Alice Boyes is an emotions expert and a successful blogger for Psychology Today. Her writing has been featured on Lifehacker and her Ph.D. research about relationships was published in the world’s premier social psychology journal. Most of the anxiety books are invalid but this appears to be personalized for life in a busier world, where the real problems and real situations cause anxiety. It would be particularly good for people with social anxiety or who have anxiety related to work. The Anxiety Toolkit has made a massive difference in how we deal with stress and anxiety. Furthermore, it would be good for anxiety of all levels as there is something to learn for everyone. In this book, you will also learn how anxiety works because this book helps the reader to identify the problems and then offers widely accepted exercises. Some of the exercises seem simple, like mindfulness meditation. In short, The Anxiety Toolkit is a popular book that provides quick, simple and practical tips for anxious persons.
Peak Performance
by Brad Stulberg, Steve Magness
240 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 47 Downloads · New!
The “Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success” is a wonderful book that combines the inspiring stories of top performers across a range of capabilities. Brad Stulbergand Steve Magness is the author of this best-selling book. Brad is a writer, coach, and speaker on health and performance. He also writes numerous popular books, including “Do It Better” column for Outside magazine. Peak Performance is a thoughtful, well written and practical work on ways to improve your performance. This amazing book has the inspiring stories of top performers across a range of capabilities. Peak Performance is a fantastic book for all, who wants to understand themselves. In addition, if anyone is looking for a book for the success and flourishing equivalent of a get rich quick scheme, then this is for you. This book is based on three sections. First one is the Growth Equation, in which he stress and rest is equal to growth. The second one is priming and the last one is a purpose that keeps you focused and motivated. To sum it up, Peak Performance is an excellent book that reveals the secrets of success.
Moonwalking with Einstein
by Joshua Foer
307 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 65 Downloads · New!
The “Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything” is a self-help book that describes the amazing journey of the mind. Joshua Foer is the author of this wonderful book. He was born in Washington, DC in 1982 and live in New Haven with his wife. Joshua writing has appeared in National Geographic, Outside, Esquire Slate and other publications. He is the co-founder of the Atlas Obscura and online guide to the world’s wonders and curiosities. Joshua Foer is also the co-founder of the architectural design competition. Moonwalking with Einstein is a step-by-step guide book, that improving your memory. With the help of this book, you will learn how people have done what they have done but as far as a guide goes, you have to get the tips throughout the stories. In this book, Joshua Foer explores common mnemonic tools for improving memory. Furthermore, Moonwalking with Einstein shares the prodigious memory and more than 86-point IQ of Kim Peek.
Children of the Self-Absorbed
by Brown EdD
264 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 34 Downloads · New!
The “Children of the Self-Absorbed: A Grown-Up’s Guide to Getting Over Narcissistic Parents” is a great book for anyone with a parent or family member that’s Narcissistic. Brown EdD is the author of this book. This book focuses more on those parents/caregivers who are on the right side of the bell curve. Those more toward the midlle may have caused as much harm, but be less obvious to the reader. It also assumes that the parent figure is still operating from a narcissitic vantage point. Parents can & do grow and learn from mistakes, they may have been narcissistic to some degree in a child’s formative years and moved beyond those traits. As adult children, our parents may even be more emotionally and psychologically immature than the “child.” The book provides helpful exercises for adult children. Expect you find that hope after you have learned enough to work this educational book through. We highly recommend this book to anyone suffering from the aftereffects of being raised by a narcissistic parent and/or anyone who wants to learn more about the aftereffects so that you might be of some help yourself.


