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The Red Circle

The Red Circle

by Brandon Webb
496 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
The Increment
by David Ignatius
400 Pages · 2010 · 1.45 MB · 62 Downloads · New!
The Increment by David Ignatius is intelligence base novel which shows the perfect integrity, drama, and suspense in the whole scenes. Harry Pappas is the main character of the story and he is the chief of CIA. One day he receives an encrypted message from Tehran. A doctor name Ali implies that Iran is continued with his nuclear program and they are up to have some destructive invention in weapons. This is a message from a scientist and it took confidential and suspicious information on it. It got the secrets of the programs likewise Iranian bomb program. The scientist is being followed after the message and he is failed to know who is behind all this suspect. Harry poppas is behind that guy who is threatening the scientist but he also does not found any clue. For knowing all the truth behind this, he developed a spy team names as “The Increment”. They are fully supported by law and got the license to kill any suspect. There is no evidence where to start the investigation process. Later on, Harry thinks to work out of the box and make him to betray with his own country. Harry’s only son was killed in Iraq war which makes him even more dangerous. The other reason was this Iranian bombing program is a threat to globe piece.
What The Night Knows
by Dean Koontz
449 Pages · 2010 · · 78 Downloads · New!
What The Night Knows by Dean Koontz plots the story of fourteen-year-old boy who has the near-death experience in his childhood. Long time before in summer, Alton Turner Blackwood found guilty in murdering four families one by one. This cruelty is nowhere to end but a fourteen-year boy took the charge and shoot him to death. Later on boy move on to other continent and it has been two decades. Suddenly someone starts the cruelty and murdering the families again. The boy John becomes a man now and he is detective John Calvino. He knows his family will be the ultimate target of this murderer. John has three children and a wife in his family. He is very upset about his sisters and parents which were killed in his childhood. Being a detective, John focuses on the cold facts and figures. He is in a journey of finding that killer. It is surprising that villain comes back after twenty years to take the charge what is ended by the boy. John has lost his family in his childhood and he is not ready to give up on his family. He knows how to protect the family and kill everyone who is going to threaten his family.
Permanent Record
by Edward Snowden
352 Pages · 2019 · 2  MB · 49 Downloads · New!
Permanent Record is the CIA and biography book which shares the story of a young man who reveals the deadly secrets of the American Government and its agency. Edward Snowden is the author of this tremendous book. Edward Snowden did his degree in computer science and he is passionate about his career. He is from Germany and starts working on different projects after graduation. Edward is curious to know about CIA and American politics that how they work. America is the country that is not only a superpower of the world but also interfering in the politics of the other countries. This country manipulates the governments and uses their influence to bring their favorite people into power. The CIA is involving different kinds of politics and they sometimes thread the countries to do what they wanted. The face of America in front of the world is cool but deep inside they are the evils. Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria are the recent victims of CIA and American leadership. The situation is even worse than Edward imagines. He traced the phone calls, messages and emails of CIA who are planning even bigger destruction than they did in the past. What happened with Edward, when the CIA finds out about Edward and where he fled for the next six years?
13 Hours
by Mitchell Zuckoff, Annex Security Team
352 Pages · 2014 · 3.4 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
13 Hours is the intelligence, biography, politics and military operation book which describes the scenes of an attack in the US forces back in Libya. Mitchell Zuckoff and Annex Security Team are the authors of this remarkable book. Mitchell is the bestselling author in the New York Times and the author of six other nonfiction books. He told the story is a quite captivating, interesting and thrilling way. This book highlights the true events that happened on September 11, 2012, when a group of terrorist attacks on the soldiers of America. A secret mission was launched by the US State Department Special Mission Compound and the whole plan of the mission was made in CIA station, known as Annex. It’s been a while since the Annex is functional and performed a number of secret missions in Libya. There are some rebel groups in Libya who were not happy with the arrival of America and they surely wanted to get rid of them. The attackers think that demolishing Annex from Libya will help them to take control.
Mastering Fear
by John David Mann, Brandon Webb
224 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 77 Downloads · New!
The “Mastering Fear: A Navy Seal’s Guide” is a wonderful book that describes how to overcome your fear. The authors of this best-selling book are Brandon Webb and John David Mann. Brandon Webb joined the US Navy at the age of 16. His first assignment was as a helicopter Aircrew search and Rescue Swimmer. Now he is the founder and CEO of the Hurricane Group, a Global Media to commerce business focused on military and outdoor entertainment, subscription-based clubs and products. John David Mann is an award-winning author whose writings has earned the Nautilus Award. He is the co-author of the international best-seller “The Go-Giver” with Bob Burg. Mastering Fear is an amazing book that comes with a five-step guide to transforming your life easy and without fear. In this book, the authors explain how to manage the natural impulse to panic in terrifying situations.  Webb shows how people from all walks of life can stretch and transcend their boundaries and learn how to use their fears. Mastering Fear provides a common-sense sequence for overcoming fear. Brandon Webb explains in this book a superb job of articulating both every aspect of this fear, showing it and making it more controllable. The authors break this whole transformation down into five practical steps for everyone who are looking for greater courage and mastery in their lives. All in all, Mastering Fear is a self-help book for all peoples who are facing a fear problem.
The Spy and the Traitor
by Ben Macintyre
0 Pages · 2018 · 6 MB · 70 Downloads · New!
“The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of Cold War” is an interesting storybook where the author tells us how the war between Russia and Britain started and how it can be stopped. Here in this book author tells the history of these two countries from 1968 till the 21st century. This book is written by Ben Macintyre. He is one of the bestselling authors of the New York Times. Here he tried to explain that it is unbelievable that two or more countries in this world give benefit to each other without expecting and demanding something and there is always a cold war between the neighboring countries. The author tells us how leaders compete with each other and the consequences of this competition. The major discussion this book covers is that everything doesn’t look like what it actually is so do not judge the relations between two countries by seeing how much trading they are doing with each other. Rather there is behind the scene story which provides you actual knowledge. The book is an amazing description of international relations between the superpowers of the world. In short, this is an interesting and amusing book for readers who have an interest in current affairs and national and international relations.


