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The Ship of Dreams

The Ship of Dreams

by Gareth Russell
448 Pages · 2015 · 45  MB · 38 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
The Finest Hours
by Michael J. Tougias, Casey Sherman
224 Pages · 2010 · 1.5 MB · 54 Downloads · New!
The Finest Hours is the natural disaster, sea life, weather and ship history book which shares the true event of a ship splitting into two parts. Michael J. Tougias and Casey Sherman are the authors of this fascinating book. In 1952, when winter was in its peak and the cold winds are roaring towards New England. The people are stick with the fire and avoid to go out in the howling winds. The U.S Coast Guardsmen are watching the behavior of the sea and they are worried about the ship. It’s been a half-hour since they are waiting for the ship but then they hear the tragic news of splitting the massive ship into two parts. A rescue mission was planned that is similar to the suicide mission. Bernie Webber was the leader of this rescue mission and he got the support of three other members. They have to save the life of the people who are stuck in the ship and they have one tiny boat to continue the mission. Webber leads his crew to the ship but the situation gets tough than they imagine.
by Martin W. Sandler
320 Pages · 2015 · 6.1MB · 47 Downloads · New!
“Resolute: The Epic Search for the Northwest Passage and John Franklin, and the Discovery of the Queen’s Ghost Ship” is a perfect book to anyone interested in 18th century arctic exploration. Martin W. Sandler is the author of this awesome and beautiful book. The book is mainly about the search for the Northwest Passage and the missing Franklin Expedition. These subjects definitely make the book worthwhile, particularly the latter. “The longest and most expensive search and rescue mission ever undertaken” lasted twelve years, involved scores of ships and thousands of officers and men and saw its share of the good (Lady Franklin and Capt. Henry Kellet), the bad (Sir Edward Belcher), and the ugly (Lt. Robert McClure) along the way. Perhaps stories discovered by Hall were attributed to Rae in the film. Sandler definitely used the documentary in his work as, towards the end, he used direct quotes from expert analysts from “Arctic Passage.” The most important part of this book for this reviewer is the examination of the search expeditions that set out to find Franklin. The work is well-researched with an epilogue on the fates of some of the principal players, Timeline of events, an illustration of the plans for the “HMS Resolute,” instructions given to Sir John Franklin, 23 pages of chapter notes, and illustrations throughout along with two sections of glossy photos. The story of the search expeditions, though, is full of intrigue and the character development is such that this reviewer acquired strong likes and even stronger dislikes of some of the people involved. Overall, “Resolute” is highly recommended to readers interested in maritime history.
by Jim Bennett
144 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 51 Downloads · New!
The “Navigation: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions), 1st Edition” is a helpful book for those who are interested in the history of navigation. Jim Bennett is the author of this great book. Jim is a historian of science who has held curatorial posts in national museums in London. He has been president of the British Society for the History of Science and of the Scientific Instrument Commission of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. In this book, the author reveals the history of navigation. Navigation is the science of getting ships, aircraft from place to place and the method of determining position, course and distance traveled. With the help of this book, you will know about the three types of navigation, one is GPS. When a GPS device plans out your route and tells you where to go and when to turn, it is an example of GPS navigation. The author also introduces the incredible array of instruments relied on by sailors, from astrolabes, sextants, and chronometers to our modern radio receivers. To know more about navigation, then read this excellent book. All in all, Navigation, 1st Edition is a necessary book for all the reader who wants to know the history navigation.
by Lynn Vincent
594 Pages · 2015 · 1MB · 34 Downloads · New!
“Indianapolis: The True Story of Worst Sea Disaster in U. S. Naval History and Fifty Years Fight to Exonerate an Innocent Man” is an impressive and interesting book in which the author tells us the story of Indianapolis who sailed in the sea for many days and nights and the book is a description of that horrible journey. This formidable book is written by Lynn Vincent. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many books on history. Here the author discusses the story of Indianapolis and her fellows whose life is full of adventures. The author says that to survive that attack and to save them from the attack of waves of water in their voyage. The book states that water has very high strength and power and it can destroy anything so to save their lives was a challenge and the author won that challenge but he lost his fellows on the way. The book enlightens that those who are determined and self-motivated can do what they want to do because spirit and enthusiasm are the keys to success and achievement. So, don’t be afraid of what life demands from you rather be patient and motivated to devote yourself to achieve your goals. In a conclusion, the book is informative, entertaining, impressive, and knowledge-giving for the readers who love to read history and past events. You may also like to download No Easy Day by Mark Owen


