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What to Do When Machines Do Everything

What to Do When Machines Do Everything

by Malcolm Frank
256 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
by Aurelien Geron
856 Pages · 2019 · 36 MB · 1,094 Downloads · New!
The “Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems, 2nd Edition” is a great book of Machine Learning. Aurelien Geron is the author of this enlightening book. Aurelien is a machine learning consultant and trainer. He led YouTube’s video classification team from 2013 to 2016. He was also a founder and CTO of a leading Wireless ISP in France from 2002 to 2012, and also a founder and CTO of two consulting firms. It is a machine learning book, which helps you gain an intuitive understanding of the concepts and tools for building intelligent systems.
Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Cookbook
by Emmanuel Tsukerman
346 Pages · 2019 · 60 MB · 4,458 Downloads · New!
Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Cookbook is the artificial intelligence, network programming, python programming and network security book which tells scientists how to apply modern AI to create powerful cybersecurity solutions. Emmanuel Tsukerman is the author of this fabulous book. This guide is helpful for security researchers and cybersecurity professionals who wanted to implement the latest techniques to enhance computer security. It shares the advanced machine learning techniques which are highly recommended for the data scientists. This book will show them how to experiment the AI techniques while staying on the domain of cybersecurity. It requires fundamental knowledge of python to master.
Our Final Invention
by James Barrat
305 Pages · 2015 · 1.19 MB · 54 Downloads · New!
Our Final Invention by James Barrat is one of the best books ever written on Artificial Intelligence. James Barrat is the author of this Artificial Intelligence book.  James is a documentary filmmaker who’s written and produced films for National Geographic, Discovery, PBS, and many other broadcasters. In this book, he explains an overview of the many things that advanced AI could do, very few of which we humans would consider as good, or friendly, or aligned with our values and ambitions as a species. This book is about what can go wrong with the development and application of advanced AI.The author uses a very creative way to define the intelligence and its effects on human life. He told in the book that intelligence, not charm or beauty, is a special power that enables humans to dominate Earth. That dominance wasn’t won by a huge intellectual margin either but by a relatively small one. It doesn’t take much to take it all. Now, propelled by a powerful economic wind, scientists are developing intelligent machines. But before machine intelligence matches our own, we have a chance. We must develop a science for understanding and coexist with smart, even super-intelligent machines. If we fail, we’ll be stuck in an unwinnable dilemma. We’ll have to rely on the kindness of machines to survive. Will machines naturally love us and protect us? You can also Download Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark PDF.
How to Create a Mind
by Ray Kurzweil
352 Pages · 2013 · 4.21 MB · 51 Downloads · New!
“How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed” is a very interesting book that presents the PRTM. Ray Kurzweil is the author of this book. Ray Kurzweil is one of the leading inventors of our time. He is the recipient of many honors, including the National Medal of Technology, the nation’s highest honor in technology. In this book, Ray describes how thinking and brain works. It is a brilliant exposition on the workings of the brain and how it applies to artificial intelligence. The subject matter is about as complex and they come, yet Mr. Kurzweil manages to write a very clear, thorough, and most important, simple (but not simplistic) thesis. It is the author’s contention that the brain can be reverse engineered due to the power of its simplicity and such knowledge would allow us to create true artificial intelligence. The one and only, futurist, prize-winning scientist and author Ray Kurzweil takes the reader on a journey of the brain and the future of artificial intelligence. The author provides his basic thesis of how the brain works and a path to achieve true artificial intelligence and all that it implies.
Talk to Me
by James Vlahos
336 Pages · 2019 · 3 MB · 71 Downloads · New!
Talk to Me is the computer technology, invention, semantics and artificial intelligence book which includes the interviews of the world most innovative CEOs. James Vlahos is the author of this impressive book. The world is getting the latest in every week and leaving the past technology behind. The computer is one of the most major innovation in the past century which transform the lives of billions of people. It has the capability to perform all kind of tasks efficiently with full accuracy. We are using a computer in every field of life and they are getting an update every day with the latest technologies. Silicon Valley is on the top in the race and its titans are determined to introduce the best and last computer to the world which people ever demand in their lives. They are trying their best to manufacture and if they succeed in their mission then the relationship between humans and technology will be changed forever. The most innovative companies in the world are trying to build conversational AI. Scientists are trying to develop computers which can speak and act like humans. It just seems like science fiction stuff but this fiction will soon become part of reality. James meets the researches of the leading organization like Google, Apple, and Amazon. They are confident about voice tech and it’s really capable to transform the lives of people.
Artificial You
by Susan Schneider
192 Pages · 2019 · · 53 Downloads · New!
Artificial You is the artificial intelligence, semantics, philosophy, consciousness and metaphysics book which briefly explains about the future of the world in the light of AI. Susan Schneider is the author of this impressive book. AI is the most growing technology in the past decade and people are buying the shares where AI is implementing. Just in the span of a few years, AI enters in every field of life and people are enjoying its flawless service. No one has ever imagined that AI can make the life of human so easier and simple. Today, it is used in machinery, banks, weapons, offices, and hospitals, etc. After a few decades, the human will no more the most intelligent creature as AI will rule the whole world. AI is helping the humans both inside and outside of home and scientists are getting more precise and accurate in their algorithms. There are several questions that Susan raised in this guide. What is the maximum technology and benefit that we can achieve through AI? Can robots and other machines achieve the level of consciousness? Can human and AI merge in one physical appearance? How to trust and test the conscious of robots. This is an ultimate artificial intelligence book for the students and professionals to read.


