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White Rage

White Rage

by Carol Anderson
304 Pages · 2017 · 1 MB · 61 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
by Neal Katyal, Sam Koppelman
224 Pages · 2019 · 19 MB · 1,223 Downloads · New!
Impeach is the general constitution, political science, opinion and constitutional law book which critically analyzes the role of Donald Trump in the general elections. Neal Katyal and Sam Koppelman are the authors of this superb book. No one is above the law and it’s the national statement of America. Everybody has to face the law when anybody breaks the law. The law of America is bigger than any personality and no one can flee from the law. Donald Trump is the current president of America and he is involved in breaking the law many times. People of America still believe that he was involved in election rigging.
Profiles in Corruption
by Peter Schweizer
368 Pages · 2020 · 4 MB · 4,228 Downloads · New!
The “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite” is an enlightening book that reveals more corrupt career politicians. Peter Schweizer is the author of this book. Peter is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and the former William J. Casey Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is a number one New York Times best-selling author and his books are translated into eleven languages. This book is very interesting and after this book, all people must think before voting for one corrupt politician’s author unmasked.
Don’t Burn This Book
by Dave Rubin
240 Pages · 2020 · 2 MB · 1,482 Downloads · New!
Don’t Burn This Book is the psychology, social sciences, self-help, and politics book that motivates people for free-thinking and taking charge of their lives. Dave Rubin is the author of this remarkable book. Today we are living in the world in which everything is planned. This world composed of and shape our thoughts and ideas. People are unable to think for themself and for their own ideas. They are just running behind the things and living the lives of others. We need to dig into our lives and eliminates all the factors that are influenced by society.
The Case Against Socialism
by Rand Paul
368 Pages · 2019 · 2  MB · 47 Downloads · New!
The Case Against Socialism is communism, socialism, the theory of politics and history book which tells the secrets of socialism in the modern world. Rand Paul is the author of this fantastic book. Almost 43 percent of Americans think that socialism is for the better of humanity. Why do these Americans think like this way? In the past, socialism killed millions of people but there are still some people who are a fan of it. There are two new leaders who try to change the ideology of socialism like Alexandra Ocasio and Bernie Sanders. They are standing for the right of the students who are supporting the students to free their loans. It slows down the economic growth of the country, fewer opportunities for the businessmen and entrepreneurs. Socialism eliminates the motivation of people to do anything bigger in their life. It costs the society in distortion, decreases incentives and prosperity, low feasibility and negative social impacts. The chances of growth are less and people are ready to invest their money. The country’s economy grows slowly and it slows down the whole progress on the country. It creates a sense of utmost profit in labor, resources, and land.
The Plot Against the President
by Lee Smith
368 Pages · 2019 · 2  MB · 73 Downloads · New!
The Plot Against the President is the journalist, politics and U.S politics book which tells about the presidential elections of the U.S in 2016. Lee Smith is the author of this magnificent book. He is a popular Veteran journalist who never thinks twice to put his life on the danger to find the truth. Donald Trump becomes the president of the Republican Party in 2015 and he was ready to quest the elections. Everyone thinks that Democratic Party will win in these elections and Hilary Clinton will be the next president of America. Donald Trump focuses on his agenda and he raised a few key issues that American citizens are facing. He promised to build war in the Mexico border, he will call out the U.S army from Afghanistan and solve all the immigrant issues. He hired a very professional team for his marketing but still, the majority of the people are on the side of Hilary Clinton. The middle-class Americans believe in his agenda and they are with him. On the day of the election, Hilary was leading the election with over twenty-five seats but in the end, Donald takes lead with twenty seats. What exactly happened in the elections and how Russia helped him to rig the elections?
The Storm Before the Storm
by Mike Duncan
352 Pages · 2018 · 5 MB · 85 Downloads · New!
The Storm Before the Storm is the history, ancient Rome, history of Rome, drama, and ancient civilization book that shares the hidden stories of ancient civilization and Rome. Mike Duncan is the author of this stunning book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times and the creator of award-winning podcast series. This time, Mike highlights the bloody fights, human drama, and political mechanism of Rome who ruled the entire world for many centuries. Mike describes in detail about Rome that how they raise in the whole world and how they collapsed. The history of civilizations is incomplete without discussing Rome. It begins from the small and beautiful city of Italy, Rome. Rome starts expanded from the local group who shaped into barbarian chieftains, despotic kings, and petty tyrants. The rule in worldwide and introduce new technologies to the world that makes them competitive all around the world. In 146 BC, Rome appears as the powerful force in the Mediterranean and no one has the courage to stand against them. It is a fact that Rome was the reason behind the brutal killings of Vikings and they completely removed them from mountains. Mike also lists those issues that become the reason for the downfall of Rome.


