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You Can Negotiate Anything

You Can Negotiate Anything

by Herb Cohen
256 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 55 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
by Anne Lamott
256 Pages · 1995 · 1.3 MB · 2,989 Downloads · New!
Bird by Bird is the reference skills, self-help, creative writing and fiction writing book which shares the proven techniques and methods to become a passionate writer. Anne Lamott is the author of this stunning book. She is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Anna wrote many novels and self-help books that changed the lives of the people. She is an inspiring writer who affects the lives of the readers through her stories. This time, Anne decided to teach fiction writing which is an amazing guide for beginners and professionals. She begins with a story that happened three decades ago. Anna was thirteen-years-old when her brother was ten. Her brother gets the home task in the vacations to write about the birds. He spends his entire vacations while playing and did not complete the task.
Interpersonal Communication
by Julia T. Wood
384 Pages · 2015 · 43 MB · 61 Downloads · New!
The “Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters, 8th Edition” is a wonderful book which exposes great information for interpersonal communication. Julia T. Wood is the author of this delightful book. Julia is an honorary scholar, author, editor and professor. She has written more than 20 books and over 70 articles, all of these books and articles focused on communication and gender. Wood has earned more than 30 honours and awards for her work, including CASE award for the professor of the year in North Carolina in 1998, George H. Johnson prize for lifetime achievement in 2010 and many others. In “Interpersonal Communication”, Wood reveals a logical introduction to the concepts, principles, and skills of interpersonal communication. This amazing book engages all the reader from start to end of the page with good tips and examples. After reading this book, the reader will become a better communicator and they will talk on any topic without any hesitation. Because this book also helps you to learn about emotional intelligence and forgiveness, how to deal with abuse from intimates and interracial relationship. Furthermore, Interpersonal Communication is a great book for anyone, who is looking to improve communication skills. All in all, Interpersonal Communication is a helpful book for all people.
by Anne Lamott
256 Pages · 1995 · 2 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
Bird by Bird is the reference skills, self-help, creative writing and fiction writing book which shares the proven techniques and methods to become a passionate writer. Anne Lamott is the author of this stunning book. She is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Anna wrote many novels and self-help books that changed the lives of the people. She is an inspiring writer who affects the lives of the readers through her stories. This time, Anne decided to teach fiction writing which is an amazing guide for beginners and professionals. She begins with a story that happened three decades ago. Anna was thirteen-years-old when her brother was ten. Her brother gets the home task in the vacations to write about the birds. He spends his entire vacations while playing and did not complete the task. One day before the school he was sitting in the loan with different books of birds He was nervous and tense because the time is running short. Her brother lost his hope of completing the vacation task but then their father arrived and everything changed. Anne’s father told her brother that go bird by bird. Just in three hours, her little brother completed his tasks and he is happy to go to school. What is the lesson in these three words “bird by bird” and how we can apply in our lives?
The Power of a Positive No
by William Ury
272 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 51 Downloads · New!
“The Power of a Positive No: Save the Deal Save The Relationship and Still Say No” is an inspiring and guiding book in which the author says that you don’t need to say yes always but to say no you should learn how to say no. This formidable and revealing book is written by William Ury. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had been served as an advisor and legal guider for many years. In this book, one can get the knowledge of his or her own interest and it provides guidelines for each and every field and tells us how to be successful and ambitious in life and how to achieve your high aims. Book states that business is not about the quality of the product rather it depends on the way that you present your products and advertises them. Say no but with an optimistic and positive approach not by pessimistic because it is a tool to succeed in the business world. In summary, the book is full of inspiration, guide, and is a must-read book.
Bargaining for Advantage
by G Richard Shell
304 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 41 Downloads · New!
“Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People” is a marvelous book full of wisdom and beautifully summed up advice for future negotiators. G Richard Shell is an award-winning teacher. He is the author of many other books. He is a professor of legal studies and business ethics.  He is director of Wharton’s Executive Negotiation Workshop and strategic persuasion workshop. If you want to test your Negotiation IQ it will help you a lot and will reveal your unique qualities. It will help you in Negotiation in every walk of life either you are buying a car or insurance. It also gives you an insight into how to succeed when you negotiate online. It also tells us cultural and gender differences can affect negotiation and how we can bring our relationships back to the track. It will also help you with how you can children and wives. It is the best advice for selling yourself in a social marketplace or buying something. To inspire us author includes beautiful stories from the world’s best known outstanding negotiators from J.P. Morgan to Mahatma Gandhi. In short, the author teaches us practical skills of negotiation.
Flip the Script
by Oren Klaff
256 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 42 Downloads · New!
The “Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea” is one of the best-selling books. Oren Klaff is the author of this great book. Oren is Director of Capital Market as investment bank Intersection Capital, where he manages its capital-raising platform, business, and product development. Oren is a member of Geyser Holding’s investment committee where he has been a principal since 2006. Flip the Script is one of the most engaging books in the business world today. The stories of this book will engage the reader from start to end of the page. Oren describes says, no one likes being told what to think, but everyone trusts their own ideas. It will also show you how to monitor them to discover it in their own way. In addition, he will show you a different new approach that works on this simple insight. Flip the Script tells thousands of people how to do it with a series of simple steps that anyone can follow in any condition. To sum it up, Flip the Script is a helpful book.


